[sketch_mydust] - 미세멘지 측정기 작업 용
// Example testing sketch for various DHT humidity/temperature sensors
// Written by ladyada, public domainu8g
#include <DHT.h>
#include <U8glib.h>
/* Include the DS1302 library */
#include <DS1302.h>
int f_APIN_LED_SDA = 4; // SDA A4
int f_APIN_LED_SCL = 5; // SCL A5
int f_DPIN_MOTION = 2; // 움직임 감지
int f_DPIN_SCK = 5;
int f_DPIN_IO = 4;
int f_DPIN_RST = 3;
int f_DPIN_RELAY1 = 6; // what pin we're connected to
int f_DPIN_RELAY2 = 7; // what pin we're connected to
int f_DPIN_DHT22 = 8; // what pin we're connected to
int f_DPIN_DUST_LED_POWER = 9; //Connect 3 led driver pins of dust sensor to Arduino D7
int f_APIN_DUST_SENSOR_A1 = 1; //Connect dust sensor to Arduino A0 pin
float f_h = 0; //dht.readHumidity();
float f_t = 0; //dht.readTemperature();
int f_motion = 0; // 움직임 감지 값 ( 0 . 1 )
/* Initialise the DS1302 library */
DS1302 rtc(f_DPIN_RST, f_DPIN_IO, f_DPIN_SCK); // Clock
unsigned long lastReadTime = 0;
// Connect pin 1 (on the left) of the sensor to +5V
// Connect pin 2 of the sensor to whatever your DHTPIN is
// Connect pin 4 (on the right) of the sensor to GROUND
// Connect a 10K resistor from pin 2 (data) to pin 1 (power) of the sensor
DHT dht(f_DPIN_DHT22, DHT22); // DHT 22 (AM2302)
int samplingTime = 280;
int deltaTime = 40;
int sleepTime = 9680;
float dustVal = 0;
float calcVoltage = 0;
float dustDensity = 0;
float voltage = 0; // average voltage
float dustdensity = 0; // average dust density
float ppmpercf = 0; //
int f_readcount=0;
float f_ppmsum=0; // sum of analog read
const unsigned long SENSING_INTERVAL = 3000;
const unsigned long POSTING_INTERVAL = 15*1000; //delay between updates to Pachube.com
unsigned long lastSensingTime = 0;
unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 0; // last time you connected to the server, in milliseconds
// Display
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE); // I2C / TWI
//U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE); // I2C / TWI
// Draw screen
//const int DISP_CHAR_LEN = 13;
const int f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2 = 22;
char f_strTemp[f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2];
char str_line1[f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2] = "Cur TM : ";
char str_line2[f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2] = "Dust : 00.0000 mg/m3";
char str_line3[f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2] = "Initializing............";
void setup()
Serial.println("DHTxx test! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ");
Serial.println("Dust test!");
pinMode(f_DPIN_RELAY1, OUTPUT); // Relay1 전기 1
pinMode(f_DPIN_RELAY2, OUTPUT); // Relay2 전기 2
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY1, LOW); // 전기 연결 OFF
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY2, LOW); // 전기 연결 OFF
void loop()
// Read dust sensor
if(millis() - lastSensingTime > SENSING_INTERVAL) {
lastSensingTime = millis();
if(millis() - lastConnectionTime > POSTING_INTERVAL)
// calculate average voltage, dust density
voltage = f_ppmsum/f_readcount*0.0049;
dustdensity = 0.17*voltage-0.1;
ppmpercf = (voltage-0.0256)*120000;
if (ppmpercf < 0)
ppmpercf = 0;
if (dustdensity < 0 )
dustdensity = 0;
if (dustdensity > 0.5)
dustdensity = 0.5;
//memset(f_strTemp, 0, sizeof(char) * 64);
// for debug
String dataString = "Dust : ";
//dataString += dtostrf(voltage, 9, 4, s);
//dataString += ",";
//dataString += dtostrf(ppmpercf, 8, 0, s);
//dataString += ",";
//dataString += dtostrf(f_readcount, 2, 0, s);
//dataString += ",";
//dtostrf(f_readcount, 3, 0, s);
//sprintf(dataString, "Count : %8s℃", s);
//memset(f_strTemp, 0, size_t f_strTemp);
//dataString += (String)dtostrf(dustdensity, 5, 4, f_strTemp);
//dataString += " mg/m3";
// m milli 밀리 10^ -3
// μ micro 마이크로 10^ -6
// 좋음 : ~30
// 보통 : ~80
// 나쁨 : ~150
// 매우나쁨 ; 151~
dustdensity = dustdensity * 1000;
dataString += (String)dtostrf(dustdensity, 3, 0, f_strTemp);
//dataString += " ㎍/m3";
dataString += " ug/m3";
if( dustdensity > 150)
dataString += " (VB)";
} else if( dustdensity > 80)
dataString += " (B)";
} else if( dustdensity > 30)
dataString += " (N)";
} else if( dustdensity > 0)
dataString += " (G)";
} else
dataString += " ";
fn_setInfo(dataString, 2);
lastConnectionTime = millis();
if(millis() - lastReadTime > 1000)
// Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
lastReadTime = millis();
if ( f_t > 27)
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY1, HIGH); // 전기 연결
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY2, HIGH); // 전기 연결
} else
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY1, LOW); // 전기 햬제
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_RELAY2, LOW); // 전기 연결
void fn_readMotion()
f_motion = digitalRead(f_DPIN_MOTION);
//Serial.print("Motion : ");
void fn_setTime()
// Clear the 1302's halt flag
// And disable write protection
// Set the time and date
void fn_readTime()
//Serial.print("It is ");
//Serial.print(" ");
//Serial.print(" ");
//Serial.print("and the time is: ");
String sTime = "Time : ";
sTime += (String)rtc.getTimeStr();
if( f_motion == 1 )
sTime += " (M)";
//Serial.println("Dust density : " + sTime);
fn_setInfo(sTime, 1);
void fn_readDustSensor()
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_DUST_LED_POWER,LOW); // power on the LED
dustVal = analogRead(f_APIN_DUST_SENSOR_A1); // read the dust value
f_readcount = f_readcount + 1;
f_ppmsum = f_ppmsum+dustVal;
digitalWrite(f_DPIN_DUST_LED_POWER,HIGH); // turn the LED off
// 0 - 5V mapped to 0 - 1023 integer values
// recover voltage
calcVoltage = dustVal * (5.0 / 1024.0);
// linear eqaution taken from http://www.howmuchsnow.com/arduino/airquality/
// Chris Nafis (c) 2012
dustDensity = 0.17 * calcVoltage - 0.1;
Serial.print("Raw Signal Value (0-1023): ");
Serial.print(" - Voltage: ");
Serial.print(" - Dust Density: ");
Serial.print(dustDensity); // unit: mg/m3
Serial.println(" mg/m3 ");
//String strVoltage = "Voltage=";
//strVoltage += dtostrf(dustVal, 5, 2, s);
//fn_setInfo(strVoltage, 3);
void fn_readTemp()
// Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
f_h = dht.readHumidity();
f_t = dht.readTemperature();
// check if returns are valid, if they are NaN (not a number) then something went wrong!
if (isnan(f_t) || isnan(f_h)) {
Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT");
} else {
//온도, 습도 표시 시리얼 모니터 출력
//fn_printTemp(h, t);
//온도, 습도 표시 시리얼 모니터 출력
String dataString;
dataString = "H : ";
dataString += dtostrf(f_h, 3, 1, f_strTemp);
dataString += " T : ";
dataString += dtostrf(f_t, 3, 1, f_strTemp);
fn_setInfo(dataString, 3);
//Serial.print(">>>>>>>>. " );
//Serial.println( str_line3);
void fn_setInfo(String strDisp, int line_index)
if(strDisp == NULL) {
int posY = 45;
if(line_index == 1) {
for(int i=0; i<f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2; i++)
str_line1[i] = 0x00;
strDisp.toCharArray(str_line1, f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2 - 1);
} else if(line_index == 2) {
for(int i=0; i<f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2; i++)
str_line2[i] = 0x00;
strDisp.toCharArray(str_line2, f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2 - 1);
} else {
for(int i=0; i<f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2; i++)
str_line3[i] = 0x00;
strDisp.toCharArray(str_line3, f_DISP_CHAR_LEN2 - 1);
//Serial.print("fn_setInfo : " );
void fn_showInfo()
// picture loop
do {
// draw icon
//u8g.drawBitmapP( 13, 11, 3, 24, IMG_logo_24x24);
// show text
u8g.drawStr(5, 0, str_line1);
u8g.drawStr(5, 10, str_line2);
u8g.drawStr(5, 20, str_line3);
} while( u8g.nextPage() );
댓글 2
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